Other Information
Frequently Asked Questions
How many sessions will I need?
Impossible to say with any accuracy. For CBT interventions, there is some evidence to suggest that 12-16 sessions for certain difficulties is indicated; but this is ‘how long is a piece of string question!’ Some individuals may get to their chosen target after a handful of sessions, whilst for others it may be the work of years. It’s important to review sessions and to raise any concerns you may have about how the sessions are going.
What types of therapy do you offer?
I am qualified as a cognitive behavioural therapist and that is often my ‘go-to intervention’ where appropriate. I also have a lot of experience and training in DBT and attachment-based interventions as well as more exploratory interventions. No one size fits all (and I’d be quite wary of any therapist who assumes the same approach will work for everyone) and part of the early stages of work may be negotiating the kind of approach that will work for you.
I offer psychological coaching, therapy, walking and talking sessions outdoors.
Who do you share information with?
If you have a look at the important documents section of this website, you’ll see some information about GDPR as well as confidentiality and consent. Session notes are kept electronically within an encrypted, password protected folder and will not be shared with anyone without your permission. It is important to note that there are exceptions to confidentiality – if I have concerns that someone is at risk of harm or at risk of harming others, then patient safety comes first and I will discuss breaching confidentiality with you where possible.

Katy Draper
Katy Draper is an executive coach with over 30 years board level experience in organisations from blue chips to start-ups. She combines this with a passion for the outdoors and connecting with nature to support individuals and organisations to maximise their potential, boost wellbeing, innovate and solve problems. Katy loves hiking in the UK’s hills and mountains with her husband Stephen and has a long-term personal goal to walk the Camino Frances and Pacific Crest Trail.
Katy’s Qualifications
- HML, LL, NNAS – Provider, Tutor, Gold, Silver, Bronze
- An experienced trail walker and walk leader.
- Leads walks for HF, Mind over Mountains and The Ramblers.
- DofE Assessor and Supervisor at Bronze and Silver Levels
- Nordic Walking Instructor
- Registered General Nurse, Outdoor First Aid Level 3
- Enhanced DBS
David Fong Publications